Term definitions

Touch sensor Term definitions

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Electrostatic capacity

An insulated conductor, such as a capacitor, has the capacity to store electric charge. Its capacity is proportional to the inductance of the dielectric material between the two conductors.
In a touch sensor, when a human, who acts as a dielectric, touches the touch electrode, the electrostatic capacity between the touch electrode and the earth is detected.

Operating sensitivity

The minimum electrostatic capacity (touch capacity Co) for human that can be detected is written Co min.

Output (open collector, open drain)

The collector of the output transistor (NPN or PNP), or the MOSFET drain, is an open type and can directly open and close currents of the rated load current and lower.
Be aware that if the load (between Vcc and OUT) short-circuits, and the Touch sensor is switched on, the output transistor burns out.
When you use it as a voltage output type, connect a load resistance externally between Vcc and OUT, and use the voltage between OUT and GND as the control signal.



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