認証登録証Environmental declaration
Sensor Tech Co., Ltd.,

Basic philosophy
Sensor Tech Co., Ltd., all of the activities involved in the development, manufacturing, sales and service of electronic equipment, in order to improve the environmental impact of products and services, with the global environment and promote environmental management activities based on the following policy I will strive to harmony.

  1. Our activities, always aware of the environmental impact related to products and services, as well as to promote the prevention of environmental pollution, we will work to continuous improvement of environmental management activities.
  2. Our activities and comply with environment-related legal and other requirements relating to products and services.
  3. Our activities, of the environmental impact related to products and services, will address the following items as environmental management priority themes.
    1. Quality improvement
    2. Production efficiency improvement
    3. Improvement of skills
    4. 5S practice
    5. Environmental activities (cleaning of the region)
  4. Each and every to be able to actively practice the environmental load reduction activities, the general public as well as well-known this environment declaration to all employees (including employees of resident contractors) will be available.
  5. We will actively participate in environmental improvement activities of the region based on the partnership of NPO KES environment mechanism.

In order to achieve the above policy, set the environmental improvement goals, we will promote regularly review environmental management system.

Established Date: August 30, 2002
Revision Date: April 1, 2018
Sensatec Co., Ltd.
President Motohiro Kai
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